Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ragged Old Flag

I walked through a county courthouse square
On a park bench, an old man was sittin there.
I said, "Your court house is kinda run down,
He said, "No, it will do for our little town".
I said "your old flag pole kinda leaned a little bit,
And that’s a ragged old flag you got hanging on it".
He said "have a seat", so I sat down,
He said, "is this your first time you been to our little town"
I said, "I think it is"
He said "I don’t like to brag, but we’re kinda proud of
"That Ragged Old Flag"

"You see, we got a little hole in that flag there,
When Washington took it across the Delaware.
It got powder burned the night Francis Scott Key sat watching it, writing
"Oh Say Can You See"
It got a bad rip in New Orleans, with Packingham & Jackson tugging at its seams.
It almost fell at the Alamo beside the Texas flag,
But she waved on tho.
It got cut with a sword in Chancellorsville,
Got cut again at Shiloh Hill.
There was Robert E. Lee and Beauregard and Bragg,
And the south wind blew hard on
"That Ragged Old Flag"

On Flanders Field in World War I,
She took a big hole from a Bertha Gun,
She turned blood red in World War II
She hung limp and low a time or two.
She was in Korea, Vietnam, She went where she was sent by her Uncle Sam.

She waved from our ships upon the briny foam,
And now they've about quit waving her back here at home.
And here in her own good land,
She’s been abused, burned, dishonored, denied and refused,
And the very government for which she stands
Has been scandalized throughout out the land.
And she’s getting thread bare, and she’s wearing thin,
But she’s in pretty good shape, for the shape she’s in.
Cause she’s been through the fire before
and I know, she can take a whole lot more.
So we raise her up every morning
And we bring her down every night,
We don’t let her touch the ground,
And we fold her up right.
On second thoughtI do like to brag
Cause I’m mighty proud of
"That Ragged Old Flag"
Johnny Cash

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gag me with a spoon

Their coming! Buy all the gunz you can and more importantly ammo. remember that the nazi's called their political party The National Socialist Party of Germany. The so called dem's of our era Are unwilling to give a quick fix to our economy. They are in time trying to make the public depend greatly on government. They have the time to do this with 4/8 years. Nationalizing banks, civil pet projects, computerized health records and a governing bureaucracy spawns this movement which will keep the people needing more. Next up universal healthcare. Why do they want a more stream lined heath system? because it the corner stone for Universal healthcare. This same healthcare program the governing bodies wont be taking part in, they have their own health plan. The stimulus which was signed yesterday shows of this dependence by the massive spending on infrastructure and civil work. Most of these projects are union operations or ran by state and federal workers. When the work is done they will need more and the democratic government will have a list for these now dependant workers.

We need it now or there will be an all out catastrophe on our hands. This was the attitude to set this stimulus into motion. Monday Feb 9th it was a dyer Friday 13th it passed and Tuesday the President got around to signing it. Now the party says it could get worse before it gets better, that this bill will take time to make a real difference. What was the hurry? You can't brew a stew without having it boil, the plot thickens my friends. The democrats put the largest spending bill in the history of the world into play without have a single body of government read it. This was the urgency the people were not told of. What do bank robbers do when they commit there crime? They get it and they get out. QUICK! Does this sound familiar? They have taken from us, they've taken from me and my children. The stimulus was for an economic turn around not for the start up of a political machine fueled by the desperate and downtrodden in our society. keep in mind these officials are not the same as the people they are pledging to help. They are the wealthy elite just the same in a world different from the poeple they are governing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

4OJ party 2008

Sight of the famous Edward 40 hands challenge and just general weekend of awesomeness. This year the record for fastest finish was shattered. The new time to beat is 14min held by myself. Down form the previous 2007 time of 20 min. Which was set by B-wack who also had biked out to Lance & Laura's from my crib just before the game began, talk about thirsty. We also had our first female challenger my wife who did finish between the 3 contestants of 2008. Ryno was also a contender however he came up with a handmade 40oz beer bong which only pushed me to a 14min finish. Justin who is pictured being handed a beer managed to get himself the " U Got Served" award for the third year running. The trophy is an old 40 bottle from the first year we came up with this event. The Old English bottle is missing parts of its label with a half a swallow left at the bottom, a bottle cap in it and a couple of smokes were put out in it as well. He and I were contenders for the prize this year. Late the first evening we spilled our dinner so to speak. It was a toss up (Pun intended) for the award and it was decided the next day when Phee was in much worst shape than I the next morning. I made it up with the first wave of folks form the tent city down by the lake. My fathers recipe for Bloody Mary's even went down with no trouble at all that morning.
The next day was spent as most are that weekend. Lance and I made it out on the lake in "The domestic dispute" which is the name of Lance's sunfish sailboat. I was wondering why he named his boat this knowing that our group does come up with some good ones? Once we made it back to shore another couple came aboard for a try. Since it was their first time in a sailboat Lance and I said we would accompany them in Lance's vintage fiberglass kayak. What a Classic!!! we tow them out away from the dock and with in minutes the Dispute had a very good grasp on it's victims and the couples voices got louder and soon turned to yelling. names where called and another domestic at sea was had. The odd thing about it is Lance and I were about 30 feet away from the may lay, Award. All I said to Lance was "jeez" and he replies with "see what I mean".
The typical conversations flowed thou the rest of the weekend. Either in the shop, on the lake or around the fire. We had a poll one night over who would win this years Presidential election with 21 people voting a few didn't place the baled and we had one person who burned theirs. Our group is much like your average block on any street in America. Our friends have polarizing differences about each other and that doesn't change when we are talking politics. The poll was a indicator over the 2008 election and Obama had a 1 vote victory between all who participated.
The group always has a time at the 4OJ party and I know we all thank Lance & Laura for the opportunity and hospitality. Next year will more than likely be a shadow of it's former self with more and more children being added to the weekend none the let it will be a different kind of enjoyment.

"U Got Served"


Monday, January 19, 2009

Ode to the Mustache

I have decided for entertainment value I will be periodically posting pictures at will of mustache excellence. Here is my first of many to come.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Just add 1 part bleach to 5 parts ammonia"

Was a quote from the A.T.F. officer when I asked him how to clean up the spa and get it running again. I guess lack of use will make some pretty ugly water to cleanse yourself in. So I had a run in with the ATF after my February Post/Poll on the featured 50. cal. I think buying 3 guns last year may have had something to do with it to. Any who back up and running again still have all my gunz and the water flows clear in the man spa. Below are some newer old posts I've been meaning to get out there but with the Legalities thing I had to wait until my exoneration..... Enjoy

B-Dub Memorial 2008 posted 2009

Entry point #16 Moose River. We are making tracks for Agnes to stay at what Meredith and I call the cabin. Meredith and I haven't been to this lake since we named our youngest daughter (Isabelle Agnes Meyer) after this personal treasure which has many memories for us. It will be good to get back to the cabin again.
Panama Red is seen unleashing Lance and Laura's canoe whom is not in attendance this year on a count of their 6 month old Emmett born on 12-06-2007.

After a clear skied day we hit the shores of our cabin at 2:00PM to begin setting up camp for the long weekend.

Fishing at the rapids north of Agnes
Is that a nomb in that canoe?
I've said it before about the B-Dub you can be walking along in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden you take a look around and you could just swear that a nomb lives around there. This one happens to be Coders best impression I have seen to date.

Tinny walleye
Upper mouth of the rapids flowing into boulder bay from Agnes

Dinner for 8.

Lookout over Agnes on top of hikers rock.
Bit of a storm front moving in

Halfdome 2 in the midst of white pine dowel.

Erich, Amber, Me, Mere, FNG, Ryno, Coder and Ne Ne
See ya next year!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Captain Awesome strikes again

Like I was saying about my Mazatlan trip with Meredith and the Rohrbach's and how we were going to catch some fish. Well we went and we did catch fish. Last Monday the group caught a van from the hotel down the Marina at 6:00am. Paid the man and hopped on one of the Aries Fleet charter boats the Aries 1. Senior Rohrbach and were barring gifts for the Captain and Chirs the deck hand. Ryan works for Rapala which owns a company called Williamson Lures which is the top deep water fishing lure out in the water today. We both had a bag full of them. 30 + at leased. The Deck hand seemed very happy when we handed it all over. It was our hope that the gifts would bring us luck on the water or put us in a favored spot out at sea. The boat motored outa da haba and it wasn't long before the 18 miles had been closed going at 25 knot clip. At we traveled out to the fishing grounds Chris was readying the bait and lures. We drop it well behind the wake of an ocean liner. The bait was in the water for about 45 minutes when the bail started to Zing. Fish on..... I jumped in the chair making no haste. This fish was in the boat in my mind. The Captain and Chris were jawing back and forth and all I could make out was Darado. AWESOME!!!!! Get this thing in the boat. With about 15 minutes of a fight we pulled it in. That was one of the biggest rushes I have ever had. I can compare it with shooting my two largest deer after it was over. That is a feeling I will crave for the rest of my life. I wont hesitate at the chance to fulfill such a rush.

Now we have three other members of our fishing party that need to provide. The 45minute wait seemed like 10 min. and the reel was singing again. This time it was Senior Rohrbach's turn. his fish was also a darado. You could tell this because the thing was jumping all over the place. That was great fun to watch. We got it up to the boat and I snapped a few shots of the fish with a Willaimson Lure in its mouth. Ryan was able to catch his fish of one of the lures we brought down. Thank you Rapala...

Two in the boat. Now we are hitting 50% the ladies need a turn. An hour goes by and we had cracked into some Mexican equivalent to a 40oz. Shannan was sitting in the chair and the reel goes off. Darado. This one was a jumper too. She battled it in after a good fight. Chris gaffed it and I got one of the best fresh colored shots of all the fish. Seconds from the water. The alien like features with the coloring is beautiful.

The day went on and the party started to slumber already rich with memories playing in our heads. The thought of all of us bringing one in was on the top of my mind for quite some time. The next thing you now the boat is alive and Meredith is in the seat being handed a rod with fish in tow. The thought comes to my mind what is it. In a short time the fish jumped and it was what do you know Darado. All of us caught a Darado. Sweet!! I got some great action shots of Meredith pulling in her catch.

The lines were set in the water right away. we trolled past a group of whales hanging out in the warm waters. The boat engines slowed slight and Chris points out to the port side and says look Sword fish. I jump to my feet and I see two fins sticking out of the water. We slowly were circling the boat to position the bait in front of him and as we were turning to his front he then turned toward the bait letting the bait pass well in front of him. We made several triangles around the area but no luck. The boat began trolling east back in the direction of the Marina and I new our fishing trip was coming an end we sat back in our chairs already talking of what fun we all had and the line goes taunt again. I take the chair and began reeling and I'd pump the Line and it seemed so easy to began just reeling and reeling I brought the fish right in gaffed it in the boat and the fifth Darado was caught. truly an AWESOME experience to have had the pleasure of experiencing with my bride and friends. All in all 5 fish in the boat, 100% hook ups no lost fish, 3 fish were caught on williamson lures provided by our friends at Rapala and everyone got to bring one in. And after the pictures on shore we had them cut up Shannans fish to be cooked at the restaurant at the hotel. Mahi mahi is one of my favorite ocean fish and I can say that this one was the best I've ever had. What a trip out to sea.