Friday, April 4, 2008

Captain Awesome strikes again

Like I was saying about my Mazatlan trip with Meredith and the Rohrbach's and how we were going to catch some fish. Well we went and we did catch fish. Last Monday the group caught a van from the hotel down the Marina at 6:00am. Paid the man and hopped on one of the Aries Fleet charter boats the Aries 1. Senior Rohrbach and were barring gifts for the Captain and Chirs the deck hand. Ryan works for Rapala which owns a company called Williamson Lures which is the top deep water fishing lure out in the water today. We both had a bag full of them. 30 + at leased. The Deck hand seemed very happy when we handed it all over. It was our hope that the gifts would bring us luck on the water or put us in a favored spot out at sea. The boat motored outa da haba and it wasn't long before the 18 miles had been closed going at 25 knot clip. At we traveled out to the fishing grounds Chris was readying the bait and lures. We drop it well behind the wake of an ocean liner. The bait was in the water for about 45 minutes when the bail started to Zing. Fish on..... I jumped in the chair making no haste. This fish was in the boat in my mind. The Captain and Chris were jawing back and forth and all I could make out was Darado. AWESOME!!!!! Get this thing in the boat. With about 15 minutes of a fight we pulled it in. That was one of the biggest rushes I have ever had. I can compare it with shooting my two largest deer after it was over. That is a feeling I will crave for the rest of my life. I wont hesitate at the chance to fulfill such a rush.

Now we have three other members of our fishing party that need to provide. The 45minute wait seemed like 10 min. and the reel was singing again. This time it was Senior Rohrbach's turn. his fish was also a darado. You could tell this because the thing was jumping all over the place. That was great fun to watch. We got it up to the boat and I snapped a few shots of the fish with a Willaimson Lure in its mouth. Ryan was able to catch his fish of one of the lures we brought down. Thank you Rapala...

Two in the boat. Now we are hitting 50% the ladies need a turn. An hour goes by and we had cracked into some Mexican equivalent to a 40oz. Shannan was sitting in the chair and the reel goes off. Darado. This one was a jumper too. She battled it in after a good fight. Chris gaffed it and I got one of the best fresh colored shots of all the fish. Seconds from the water. The alien like features with the coloring is beautiful.

The day went on and the party started to slumber already rich with memories playing in our heads. The thought of all of us bringing one in was on the top of my mind for quite some time. The next thing you now the boat is alive and Meredith is in the seat being handed a rod with fish in tow. The thought comes to my mind what is it. In a short time the fish jumped and it was what do you know Darado. All of us caught a Darado. Sweet!! I got some great action shots of Meredith pulling in her catch.

The lines were set in the water right away. we trolled past a group of whales hanging out in the warm waters. The boat engines slowed slight and Chris points out to the port side and says look Sword fish. I jump to my feet and I see two fins sticking out of the water. We slowly were circling the boat to position the bait in front of him and as we were turning to his front he then turned toward the bait letting the bait pass well in front of him. We made several triangles around the area but no luck. The boat began trolling east back in the direction of the Marina and I new our fishing trip was coming an end we sat back in our chairs already talking of what fun we all had and the line goes taunt again. I take the chair and began reeling and I'd pump the Line and it seemed so easy to began just reeling and reeling I brought the fish right in gaffed it in the boat and the fifth Darado was caught. truly an AWESOME experience to have had the pleasure of experiencing with my bride and friends. All in all 5 fish in the boat, 100% hook ups no lost fish, 3 fish were caught on williamson lures provided by our friends at Rapala and everyone got to bring one in. And after the pictures on shore we had them cut up Shannans fish to be cooked at the restaurant at the hotel. Mahi mahi is one of my favorite ocean fish and I can say that this one was the best I've ever had. What a trip out to sea.