Monday, January 14, 2008

The BIG deal in December

Holy Christ on rubber crutches, I can't believe I didn't post anything in December. Don't get me wrong some Awesome things did happen in December. I will say that the best thing over the holiday month personally was getting my Braces off. I 'm going to have to put a scar on my face like Cheech in the movie Still Smokin! Of course to make myself less beautiful as he did. That's a bit of my narcissistic quality I have in me.
The next awesomest thing would have to be playing the Santa thing all up for the month with the kids. " You know Santa's watching." He sure is and he's right n front of you so don't even think of throwing that ball at your sisters face. Other personal favorites regarding the Santa thing was, Writing Santa a letter and mailing it, Calling Santa (Lance) to make sure he got the letter. Making cookies for Santa, eating Santa's cookies after the kids went to bed. All of it great stuff.

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